The Pain Won’t Last

8th March


I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn over what is going to happen to Me, but the world will rejoice. You will grieve, but your grief will suddenly turn to wonderful joy.”

John 16:20

Jesus’ death truly does conjure images of grief and mourning amongst believers. It is sad that Jesus had to physically be beaten and tortured to pay for our sins. It is sad that an innocent man had to die for us. It is sad that our God and King was made a mockery of. BUT, as Jesus said, our weeping and mourning is now over, and our grief has been turned into wonderful joy, because He has been resurrected!! He is alive!! Jesus likened this pain and joy to the metaphor of a woman giving birth. When a woman is in labour, giving birth to her child, she suffers with great pain. But, as soon as the child is born, the pain is quickly swept away with the emotion of joy and happiness at the sight of their new born child.

Friends, don’t stay mourning for a dead man, but rejoice in a resurrected King. He is no longer in the grave. He is alive and He lives in us. Let us cast our pains and burdens to Him, because He lives. Let receive and walk in the joy that comes from worshipping our resurrected King.